
Saturday 9 July 2011

Thanks my wonderful sister

A big thank you going out to my sister who recently gave me a wonderful gift, she got me a ticket for The Nutcracker and it will be performed by The Northern Ballet Company, really looking forward to that :-)
I have recently learned that Scottish Ballet is coming to Newcastle in February, fantastic! I really enjoy Scottish ballet and the fact they are coming to my home town makes it even better, it is a bit tedious travelling to Scotland to see them but I will be there in August to see them perform Song of the Earth by Kenneth MacMillan and some new work by Jorma elo.
I don't know if anyone reading this (if anybody is reading this :-)) got the chance to see Moscow Ballet perform earlier this year, I would like your opinion of them, me personally I thought they were fantastic, I was very lucky that I got to see them perform Swan Lake and Coppelia within a week of each other, they were really nice people too and I got autographs of almost the entire company.
well I will end this post now but I would like to hear any body's opinion about ballet or if you are attending any ballets that you think I should know about, don't hesitate to tell me.
Have a wonderful weekend :-)

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